5 Cylinder Radial Engine


Finally Available!

8 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: 5RAD1 Category:


See details on Kickstarter.  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/morrismodels/laser-cut-animated-engine-art-kits/comments .  I’ll update this page later with better details, but I wanted to get the build manual link onto the bottom – and I did!

My first laser cut engine kit was the 7 cylinder Radial.  Then came the monstrous 9 cylinder kit.  I always said I would do a 5 when I got around to it.  That finally happened.   I chose to somewhat pattern this model after the Kinner radial, which has the valve train in the back of the engine and not in front like many others.  This allows a full view of the master and articulating rod arrangement.   In order to still see the valve, I borrowed from the “skeleton” construction for the 4 cylinder.  I also cut away parts of the counterweight, so you can see the genuine planetary gear valve reduction drive even from the front (note:  the Kinner had separate camshafts, and not a cam plate like this engine has).   Even more unique, this mode has roller cams – and that allows it to roll very smoothly even though it is made of wood.

This model is about 450 pieces, and builds a model that is about 14.5 inches in diameter.  Like most of our models, it should be considered an advanced build for experienced modelers.

I am very proud of this model.  It is much more three dimensional than my other models, with lots of accents hinting at the round shapes underneath.

Building Resources for this Kit:

View the Assembly Manual

Additional information

Weight 64 oz
Dimensions 15 × 15 × 3 in


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